Whether you’re managing a large or small project, just getting started or are mid-way through project delivery, Traxidy is your productivity tool and project companion. Start today with the Traxidy free project management app.
Save time, gain project control and successfully deliver on project goals with Traxidy project tracking and task management software. Easily organize, track, prioritize, collaborate and report on all the day-to-day project work alongside any project plan.
Most frequently asked questions and answers.
Pick a plan above to get started. We’ll ask you a few basic questions and gather details. Then you’re ready to get going.
If you no longer wish to use Traxidy, you simply contact our help staff at [email protected] and let us know.
Traxidy works great on mobile, tablets and desktops.
Each plan supports an unlimited number of projects and data.
The security and integrity of your data is critically important to us. Once your information enters Traxidy (hosted on AWS), it’s secured with multiple levels of encryption and access controls. For more detail on the security measures, please visit Traxidy Privacy and Security.
Contact us for any questions you may have. We’re happy to help.