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3 Leading Indicators That Your Project is in Trouble

Monitoring key project metrics and trends can provide you with a clear view of the project road ahead and whether your project is under control,

Project change management, project change communication, project changes
Your Project Change Management Should Never be a Surprise

The best time to confirm and/or challenge your assumptions is before the project gets underway. Project Managers need to take the time before any real

Traxidy time stress
Project Status Reports: Time Wasted or Time Well Spent?

You may have to use the same template you’ve always used, or you may have started to deliver a new report based on a new

Traxidy GYR Status Meeting
Best Use of Data Visualization and GYR on Project Status R...

This blog will explain the best ways to use a Green, Yellow and Red (GYR) reference in project status reports, the potential definitions for using

Traxidy Project Status Meetings with easy facilitation
How to Get the Best Results from Project Team Meetings

The Project Manager doesn’t work alone. One way you can be more successful working with your team, is to make the best use of everyone’s

5 Questions Every PM Should be Prepared For
3 Questions Project Managers Need to Prepare for in Projec...

Here are some of the tough questions we’ve encountered from our Project Sponsors during project status update meetings and ways you can be prepared to